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Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) = (00,00)
CET (Central European Time) = (+1)
WET - Western European Time
UCT - Universal Coordinated Time

LONDON, Belfast, Cardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, Iceland, Rep. of Ireland, Lisbon, Monrovia, Morocco, Portugal = GMT (00,00)

Emisfera Vestica

Eniwetok, Kwaialein = GMT (-12)

Midway Island, Samoa = GMT (-11)

Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaiin Standard Time = GMT (-10)

Alaska, Alaska Standard Time = GMT (-9)
French Polynesia = GMT (-9.5)

Anchorage, British Columbia Cent., Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Tijuana, Vancouver, Yukon, Pacific Standard Time = GMT (-8)
Pitcairn Islands = GMT (-8.5)

Alberta, British Columbia N.E., Denver, Edmonton, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Santa Fe, Saskatchewan West, Mountain Standard Time = GMT (-7)

Chicago, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Guatamala, Houston, Indiana (west), Manitoba, Memphis, New Orleans, Mexico City, Ontario N.W., San Antonio-Texas,
Saskatchewan East, St. Louis, Winnipeg, Central Standard Time = GMT (-6)

Bogota, Boston, Indiana (east), Kingston, Lima, Miami, Montreal, New York, Ontario, Quebec, Washington, Eastern Standard Time = GMT (-5)

Caracas, Labrador, La Paz, Maritimes, Santiago, Atlantic Standard Time = GMT (-4)

Brazilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Montevideo, Rio de Janero, Standard Time (Canada) = GMT (-3)
Newfoundland = GMT (-3.5)

Mid-Atlantic = GMT (-2)

Azores, Cape Verde Is., Western Africa Time = GMT (-1)

Emisfera Estica

Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Bratislava, Brussells, EUROPEAN UNION, Lagos, Madrid, Malta, Prague, Paris, Riga, Rome, Sarajevo, Swedish Winter Time, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb, Middle and Central European Time = GMT (+1)

Athens, Bucharest, Cairo, Cape Town, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Harare, Helsinki, Israel, Istanbul, Latvia, Pretoria, Russian Zone 1 and Eastern Europe = GMT (+2)

Ankara, Aden, Amman, Baghdad, Bahrain, Beruit, Dammam, Kuwait, Moscow, Nairobi, Riyadh, St. Petersburg, Tehran, Russian Zone 2 and Baghdad = GMT (+3)
Iraq = GMT (+3.5)

Abu Dhabi, Baku, Kabul, Kazan, Muscat, Tehran, Tbilisi, Volgograd, Russian Zone 3 = GMT (+4)
Afghanistan = GMT (+4.5)
Iran = GMT (+4.5)

Calcutta, Colombo, Islamabad, Madras, New Dehli = GMT (+5)
India = GMT (+5.5)
Nepal = GMT (+5.75)

Almaty, Dhakar, Kathmandu, Colombo, Sri Lanka = GMT (+6)
Rangoon = GMT (+6.5)
Myanmar (Burma) = GMT (+6.5)

Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Western Australia Standard Time = GMT (+7)

Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpar, Manila, Perth, Singapore, Taipei, Urumqi, China Coast Time = GMT (+8)

Osaka, Seoul, Sapporo, Seoul, Tokyo, Yakutsk, Japan Standard Time = GMT (+9)
Adelaide and Darwin = GMT (+9.5)
Central Australia = GMT (+9.5)

Brisbane, Canberra, Guam, Hobart, Melbourne, Port Moresby, Sydney, Vladivostok, Guan Standard Time, Eastern Australia Standard Time = GMT (+10)

Magadan, New Caledonia, Solomon Is. = GMT (+11)

Auckland, Christchurch NZ., Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is., Wellington, Suva, New Zealand Standard Time = GMT (+12)